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Home Office Garage Conversions: 5 Things You Must Not Forget

The demand for home offices is greater than ever thanks to WFH and hybrid working. If your property doesn’t already boast a dedicated office, a garage transformation could be a wonderful solution.

Before starting the project, though, you should know that it is about more than just adding a desk for your laptop. Keep the following factors in mind and you won’t go far wrong…

You Need Light

There are several reasons why most garages aren’t suitable as living spaces prior to an upgrade. One of the main reasons is that they lack light and ventilation. This is a great opportunity to add character through your windows. Better still, it can aid the natural lighting, ventilation, and heating. With the right windows, you’ll also maintain the desired level of sound protection. This can be particularly useful when your garage is close to the main road.
Aside from improving the room itself, good lighting can translate to improved productivity.

You Need Electricity

If the garage is to serve as a suitable office space, it needs enough power. You could have computers, tablets, smartphones, monitors for video conferencing, and IoT devices. Likewise, you may need heaters and other electrical products. Calling a local electrician to run an audit and make any necessary installations would be a good approach to this. This could mean new plug points or even a new electrical panel. Either way, the expert touch is imperative.
This is additionally a good time to check for dampness or other health hazards.

You Need Personality

Whether you plan to work from the home office daily or just once per week, it should have personality. The windows are a good starting point, but you should also add some personal touches. A few family photos or certificates of your awards can work wonders. They provide emotional comfort and serve as motivation when you need it. In short, they are the simple updates that make you want to work from the home office setup.
If the garage is separate from the main building, a coffee machine could be useful too.

You Need Function

The home office cannot be successful if it isn’t fit for purpose. When you fall into this trap it will become a glorified (and expensive) storage space. You need to check that you will have the right connectivity to work at speed. Meanwhile, a carpet company can help you choose the design features to ensure the room stays comfortable. If you’re cold and uncomfortable, you’ll work from the bedroom once more. This defeats the purpose of the upgrade.

When the room is fit for purpose and supports better workflows, success is assured.

You Need Security

Finally, you must ensure that the garage home office is protected. Even if you take your laptop into the main home, there will now be a lot of valuables in this space. So, fitting alarm systems and security cameras is essential. Otherwise, intruders may see this as the easiest point of entry, particularly if the garage isn’t connected to the house itself. For your peace of mind as well as financial incentives, you must get this right ASAP.

And if you have insurance, check that it covers the garage contents.