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Embracing the Waning Moon: A Time For Release and Reset

As our celestial companion, the moon waxes and wanes, influencing not just the tides but also many spiritual practices around the world. The waning moon phase, symbolising release and reflection, offers a powerful opportunity for self-discovery and growth.

Understanding the Waning Moon

During the waning moon phase, the moon appears to shrink in size, moving from full to new. This period is often associated with letting go, shedding what no longer serves us, and making space for new beginnings. It is a time for introspection, healing, and releasing negativity. During each phase of the new moon, I like to shift my focus and spiritual practices to align with the energies of the changing cycle and here are a few of my favourites that offer powerful release to welcome in growth & expansion.

Spiritual Practices for the Waning Moon

Meditation and Reflection

Engage in mindfulness practices daily to quiet the mind and create space for reflection. Take moments to delve deep into areas of your life that might benefit from letting go or embracing decisive change.

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Energy Clearing

Cleanse your space with the purifying smoke of sage or sacred palo santo to help release any lingering stagnant energy and create a welcoming environment filled with positive vibes and renewed freshness. People use sage and palo santo for their perceived cleansing and purifying properties in spiritual and energy practices. Using Palo Santo sustainably involves a few key practices to ensure the conservation of this precious resource. First and foremost, it is essential to source Palo Santo from suppliers who ethically harvest the wood. When using Palo Santo, remember that a little goes a long way. Instead of burning multiple sticks at once, use only one stick at a time to minimise waste. Allow the stick to burn for a few moments, then extinguish the flame and let the smoke waft through the space.
Furthermore, consider alternative ways to enjoy Palo Santo without burning it. Palo Santo essential oil can be diffused using a sustainable diffuser or diluted in a carrier oil for topical application. This method not only prolongs the usage of Palo Santo but also offers a subtle and long-lasting aroma.
Lastly, always dispose of Palo Santo remnants thoughtfully. Allow the stick to cool completely before discarding it, and consider composting the remains if possible. By following these sustainable practices, you can enjoy the benefits of Palo Santo mindfully and respectfully.

Release Rituals

Write down what you wish to release or let go of on a piece of paper and then gently set it alight, watching as the flames consume the words, a symbolic act of letting go. Many find solace in releasing negativity through a ritual of renewal. Carving out a quiet space, one begins by lighting a candle to symbolise illumination in the darkness. Sitting in stillness, a deep breath in and out helps to center the mind and body.

Next, a small piece of paper is taken, upon which the worries, doubts, and fears are carefully written. Each word a weight lifted from the soul. Folding the paper gently, the act symbolises containing these negative energies.

Moving to a safe outdoor space, the paper is set ablaze. As the flames crackle and dance, so too do the burdens of the week dissolve into the ether. Watching the smoke rise into the sky, there is a sense of release and liberation.

Returning to the candle, a new piece of paper is taken. On it, affirmations of positivity, gratitude, and hope are written. Each word a promise to oneself for the days ahead. Folding this paper with care, it is kept close as a beacon of light.

The ritual concludes with a moment of reflection and gratitude. Feeling lighter, freer, and ready to embrace what lies ahead. With negativity released and positivity embraced, the ritual of renewal serves as a steadfast reminder of the power of letting go.


Focus on detoxifying your body through healthy eating, fasting, or engaging in activities like sauna sessions to purify your system.


During this introspective phase, consider starting a journal where you can record your thoughts, emotions, and insights. By documenting your inner reflections, you may gain valuable self-awareness and clarity as you navigate this period of self-discovery.

Creative Expression

Engage in a variety of creative activities such as painting, writing, or crafting to effectively channel your emotions, helping to unleash inner tensions and promote a sense of inner peace and tranquility.

Final Thoughts

As we journey through the waning moon phase, let us embrace the opportunity it presents for self-exploration and spiritual growth. By engaging in practices that align with this lunar cycle, we can facilitate personal transformation, release what no longer serves us, and pave the way for new beginnings. Embrace the waning moon's energy and embark on a journey of inner reflection and renewal.