I've been deep in garden planning mode lately, mainly because I'm already running behind schedule for my anticipated completion date. But more than that, I'm itching for those lazy afternoons of sunbathing and hosting gatherings in my outdoor oasis.

While I initially toyed with the idea of DIY-ing my garden with the help of family, my jam-packed schedule made me reconsider. So, I've decided to explore professional landscapers to see if they can whip up the garden of my dreams within my tight timeframe.

If you're anything like me, you understand the allure of having a gorgeous outdoor space to unwind, socialize, or simply bask in nature's beauty. There's truly nothing quite like soaking up the sunshine on a balmy summer's day (though maybe not during a storm!).

To kick off your own outdoor transformation journey, I've curated a selection of summer garden and balcony trends, along with styling ideas and some of my current favorite products to elevate your outdoor haven. Whether you're blessed with a spacious garden or working with a cozy balcony, I've got tips to make your space shine this summer!

So, let's dive in and give your outdoor area the TLC it deserves, starting with a little wash, cut, and blowdry—gardening style, of course!


If you're working with a balcony, you can skip ahead to the next section. However, if you have a garden or outdoor area that needs tending, I've got some helpful tips for you on using power tools and maximizing efficiency in garden maintenance. Let's dive in!

If you've been following my snaps or Insta stories, you might have caught my cries for help during my garden trimming sessions, wielding my trusty sidekick, STRIM (aka the strimmer). While I enjoy the process and the results afterward, it's time-consuming—even for my modest-sized garden!

As much as I appreciate STRIM, I wouldn't recommend it for those with time constraints or anyone aiming for that pristine "just mowed" lawn look. For a more efficient and polished finish, I'd suggest investing in a lawnmower. Not only does it provide a cleaner cut, but it's also less time-consuming and can even earn you some neighbourly points if you offer to tackle their lawns too!

Here's a Bosch one that I've heard good things about which is currently priced at £158 on Amazon

If you have a small space to maintain, don't want to splash out or really don't mind how long it will take then I'd suggest starting with a strimmer, as they are still very reliable and totes more compact than a big old heffa of a lawnmower. 

This is the one I use which I bought for £12.95 from Homebase. Don't be put off by the price; it actually works really well!

I've also included some other garden tools I think come in handy when tackling the space yourself, but if I've missed any let a girl know!

  • Garden Hose

  • Set of Garden Tools

  • Garden gloves

  • A Large glass of [insert drink of choice here]

Now that we've covered the basics, let's dive into some garden styles that I'm currently digging (pun totally intended).

I'm all about colour—I mean, it's evident in everything from my interior choices to my lipstick collection. My usual approach involves starting with a base of grey, silver, and charcoal tones, then adding pops of colour once I've got a feel for the overall vibe.

But hey, there's no one-size-fits-all approach here. Some stylists and designers dive straight into colour once they've established their palette, and I'm slowly warming up to this idea. So, if you're eager to spruce up your garden for summer, keep reading!


One of the first things I do when planning the decor for a space is to collect inspo of similar designs that I want to bring to life in my own way. It's no different for when planning the garden/ balcony spaces. Here's some of my faves:

Got an idea of what you'll be working with? Great! Let's move on to looking at some of the hottest interiors to style your space with right now. But if you've not quite found the inspo you've been looking for, have a look at the bottom of this post for more stles... or just click here. 


Once you've got your decor style and colour palette all figured out and your space all clean and tidy, you can get to my personal fave part; adding in your interiors.

Although I have an idea of the type of furniture I want in my garden I haven't actually started shopping around for specific items, so this part was a little treat to me too.

If I were going to pick some items for my own garden, I'd probably go with some of these cuties that I saw at B&M the other day...

And for the balcony...

Nothing screams 'Chic' more than a cutesy little bistro set for a balcony space; and they also make for the most luxurious brunch environments and totally grammable.

I had something like this 2 seater bistro set from Argos in the garden at my old flat:

HOME collection 2 Seater Bistro Set at Argos for £39.99

HOME collection 2 Seater Bistro Set at Argos for £39.99


String lights will always be a fave for decorating outdoor spaces because they're cheap, portable and can be moved around when you fancy changing things up. 

I've particularly been loving CottonBall Lights recently. I just ordered a set of lights for my bedroom that I designed myself using the Mix & Match tool on their website, and with the help of the lovely owner I was guided on the size I need and also how to navigate the design tool. If you do visit their website, be sure to select "UK/ relevant country" in the top right hand corner and it will translate the page for you.

I'll be posting pics of my gorgeous new lights when they arrive, but so that you can see what they look like:

Images via CottonBall Lights website


And Habitat are the perfect place for vibrant. patterned interiors to bring some LIFE to your little hangout.

And while we're on the subject of funky design, we might as well talk textiles next...


Unless there are some sheltered areas of your garden, or you're willing to fetch your textiles back in advance of any adverse weather, I'd only recommend using textiles on the balcony/ terrace space where the rain, snow, thunder and earthquakes can't get to them :)

Most of you will already know that I've got a real thing for geometric patterned fabrics and textiles; so as if I needed an excuse to feature some here.

Need some more inspo to get you started on planning your summer garden, balcony or terrace? Here's some more eye candy pics of my fave outside spaces right now.


What's your go to look for summer this year? Do you theme your garden aesthetic or just add in items you love?
